Webinar Descriptions
“Children’s Grief”
Presented by Donna Schuurman, Ed.D
Every child grieves differently. There are no right or wrong ways to grieve. Many children and teens have experienced the death of someone close to them. Children learn by asking questions and when they ask questions about death, it is a sign that they are curious and need to understand. As an adult, a couple of the most important things you can do for children is let them know that all the questions they are asking are “normal” and “ok” to ask and try to answer the questions as truthfully as you can. Through this webinar we explore aspects of children and teen grief, how you can support them during this difficult journey, and how to talk with children about tragic events.

“Trauma Informed Care/Trauma”
Presented by Duane Bowers LPC CCHt
This webinar explains Trauma and Trauma Informed Care. It explores the effects of trauma on the brain, and different types of trauma. The webinar discusses how agencies can transition themselves into a Trauma Informed Care agency. Agencies and individuals will learn to provide services in a way that ensures they do not trigger a traumatic response from past experiences, or create a new traumatic response, while recognizing the possibility/probability that the clients they are working with have experienced trauma or multiple traumas in their life. “Power over” relationships will be defined and the elimination of these relationships will be discussed.
“Ambiguous Loss”
Presented by Duane Bowers LPC CCHt
Ambiguous loss or Missing Persons loss is one of the most stressful types of loss. It involves trauma and grief, but is also a unique type of loss involving high levels of uncertainty and unanswered questions. The goal when working with families, is not to “fix” or “cure”. The response and uncertainty most families experience while affected by this type of loss, is not abnormal. The goal is to strengthen family unity, grow resiliency and teach families to live in the present – despite the uncertainty if not knowing if their loved one will ever return. This webinar discusses the way ambiguous loss effects the body and brain of an individual and symptoms associated with the loss. It also examines the emotions felt by the families and helps professionals understand how to normalize these emotions for the families they work with.
“Early Nurturing Developmental Trauma”
Presented by Duane Bowers LPC CCHt
The webinar focuses on child-specific trauma information, how the child’s brain develops from the brain stem up, and the functioning associated with that development. It discusses behaviours associated with traumatic response from a child’s perspective. Specific brain development is addressed as it relates to the impact trauma has, and the organic parts of the brain that are affected. The webinar discusses how trauma may be passed from generation to generation and looks at research on the genetic impact of trauma, examples of the trauma of one generation interfering with the development of the next, environmental trauma that is learned, and secondary trauma arising from narratives of one generation’s trauma triggering a traumatic response in the minds of following generations.
“Self-Care and Resiliency Building”
Presented by Duane Bowers LPC CCHt
This webinar provides an overview for professionals and volunteers to recognize and better understand the need for self-care and a self-care plan in order to continue working effectively with clients. Secondary trauma, compassion fatigue and burn-out are defined and “normalized”. The webinar examines the difference between stress management and resiliency, focusing on the five core principles of resiliency. Viewers will learn emotional self-regulation and self-awareness as a part of maintaining their own mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.
“Intergenerational Trauma”
Presented by Elder Harry Francis
Indigenous people suffer from many types of trauma, and intergenerational trauma. Through this webinar, Elder Harry will define historical trauma and look specifically at the Residential School era and the devastating impact it had on individuals, families and communities. This webinar will define intergenerational trauma and discuss how survivors transmit the historic trauma they experienced to the next generation, creating a cycle of intergenerational trauma. We will also examine how historical trauma and intergenerational trauma can manifest themselves, and look at addictions and how clients suffering from trauma use drugs and alcohol to cover the pain.
“Traditional Healing”
Presented by Elder Harry Francis
Traditional healing methods have therapeutic effects that can assist with navigating trauma through the mind and the body. When working with First Nations people who are experiencing intergenerational trauma, it is crucial to understand the importance of cultural, traditional and spiritual beliefs. This webinar has been developed for agencies and frontline professionals based on basic Qu’Appelle Valley Territory Neheyo [people of 4] spiritual beliefs and traditions to help improve and transform First Nations Health and Wellness and delivery of programs.
“Community Health and Wellness: Understanding Grief”
Presented by Caring Hearts Director of Education, Dwayne Yasinowski
The purpose of this webinar is to help “normalize” the grieving process and help people understand that grief is a journey that has ups and downs, ebbs and flows. Grief is NOT an emotion, is it a series of emotions that come and go. The webinar will explore the emotional, physical, cognitive and spiritual effects grief can have on a persons. The webinar will also explore helpful and NOT so helpful things to say to a grieving person.
“Psychological First Aid Program”
Facilitated by Duane Bowers, LPC CCHt
This is a 7-part webinar series that examine the concept of “psychological first aid”. It examines: What is psychological first aid? What is a traumatic reaction? What are the effects of trauma? And the importance of Hope. The webinar series also explores the concept of future and how do we look at the future, as well as the importance of “learning to live in wellness.”
“Sharing Circles and Protocol”
Facilitated by Elder Lorna Standingready
In this webinar Elder Lorna discussed the protocols of Sharing Circles. She discusses the importance of “getting to know each other”, sharing a meal, smudging and prayer.